Connectathon WEEK 2022

The 2022 Joint IHE Connectathon Week was an outstanding success and fabulous week for everyone who participated.

IHE-Europe and IHE USA hosted their first face-to-face 2022 Joint IHE Connectathon 12-16 September!
The event took place simultaneously on both continents, at two locations.


The afternoon sessions in Europe and the morning sessions in the USA enabled Connectathon intercontinental interoperability - "Building the Bridge" - testing to take place for the very first time.

Vendors were able to test their products across many more peer companies under the coordination of IHE Catalyst with support from Kereval, utilising the internationally renowned IHE Gazelle test tool suite.

The Joint IHE Connectathon was the first on-site event since the last in person European Connectathon, in Rennes, France in 2019. Despite two very successful Online virtual Connectathon experiences you simply cannot beat a full-on Connectathon Week that incorporates the interoperability testing marathon that is the Connectathon itself, Swiss EPR Projectathon, European Experience Educational Sessions, VIP Tours and the all-important Networking opportunities for attendees.

Montreux, with its mild climate, beautiful scenery and historical heritage, provided the ideal scenery for the 2022 Connectathon Week in Europe. Excellence of food and drink added to making its visit both memorable, educational, enjoyable and of course unforgettable.



During the Joint IHE Connectathon in Montreux a new chapter of the SmartHealth series was produced by EURONEWS.

Want to know more about how IHE-Europe Connectathon can help your eHealth programme or project?

Please contact IHE-Catalyst by email