CapacityHD masterclass

CapacityHD Masterclass

5 June 2024 09:00-18:00 CEST Trieste, Italy


CapacityHD Masterclass Sessions on Interoperability Challenges

In conjunction with the IHE Connectathon Week Delegation Workshop


What are the CapacityHD masterclasses?

CapacityHD aims to facilitate knowledge exchange among EU and EFTA nations, enhancing their ability to utilize health data effectively. This is achieved through peer-to-peer support, like twinning activities, and masterclasses. Twinning activities cover various topics such as national EHR implementation, digital health strategies, and improving digital literacy. Masterclasses, on the other hand, focus on niche health data topics that lack interest for twinning. These sessions, curated by experts, target professionals involved in digital health services, policymakers, eHealth leaders, and those advancing digital skills in healthcare.




Invitation for 5 June 2024 masterclass session: details at a glance 

Note that this masterclass is organised within the frame of the IHE Connectathon Week 2024 in Trieste, Italy - since 2000 a unique meeting place on healthcare interoperability topics. The Connectathon takes place from 3 to 7 June 2024 will be held at the TCC Trieste Convention Center

Masterclass attendees can benefit not just from the masterclasses, but from using the opportunity to attend parts of the Connectathon.

During this week the Masterclass delegates will have the opportunity to

  1. Participate to the IHE-Europe Experience Days. Gain a free delegate pass to the event by registering for the masterclass.
  2. Discover the IHE Plugathons, this year, three tracks will be held in Trieste: IHE profiles based on HL7 FHIR, EHDS, and AI, with educational sessions to be announced soon.


Time Topic
8:45 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:00
EU policy on health interoperability in Europe - lead tutors: Eamon Coyne, Caitriona Wray, Alexander Berler, Jürgen Brandstätter  
► Understand the complex EU policy model 
► Understand the ReEIF and use case based methodology to develop interoperability standards based on international standards 
► Understand the concepts of the European EHRx Format. This module will be presented in collaboration with the XpanDH project 
The concepts of interoperability framework - lead tutors: Derek Ritz, Alexander Berler, Jürgen Brandstätter  
► Moving from use case definition to implementation scenarios 
► Align business needs with technical interoperability specifications, integration profile and implementation guides 
► Focus on the needed governance for consensus building 
► Promote, co-create consensus based specifications that can be tested before being implemented to reduce time and cost creep in implementation projects 
► Promote reusability of specifications 
► Manage testable interoperability specifications 
11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 13:00
Testing continuum - lead tutors: Daniel Berezeanu, Alexander Berler, Claudio Saccavini  
►  Co-creation of specifications based on real life needs 
Interoperability labs, interoperability showcases to increase adoption and capacity building 
Concepts of projectathons and connectathons, building ecosystems of users and vendors 
Adopt and promote conformity assessment processes 
Labelling and certification 
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:45

VIP tour

► Understand how the testing is performed 
► Understand how the test tools are used 
► Understand the benefits for the vendors 
14:45 - 15:15
Coffee Break
15:15 - 17:30
The IHE Delegation workshop, organised by IHE Catalyst
► Interactive session 
► Exchange of views and experiences 
► Seek for partnerships and collaboration 
17:30 - 18:00
Wrap up and closing remarks - lessons learned



Learning objectives

► Understanding the European context and policies related to interoperability

► Understand why interoperability is a key component to the efficient design and implementation of any modern digital health use cases

► Streamlining the processes from business use case definition to create implementable and testable technical interoperability specifications

► Creating and maintaining an interoperability framework

► Creating operational stakeholders' ecosystems that promote consensus building

► Understand the need for a complete end to end testing continuum from specifications maturity testing to pre-production testing and conformity assessment

► Master the re-usability of interoperability specifications based on international standards

► Defining the boundaries between clinical modelling and interoperability specification

► Understanding that different international standards apply to different use cases

These topics will consider multiple stakeholder perspectives including efficient and safe healthcare delivery within and across borders, the views of various stakeholders that all together are active members of an ecosystem, the reuse of structed health data for health information exchange, public and private research, for public health and policymaking I.e. aligning with the scope of health data envisaged by the EHDS, adopting the European EHR Exchange Format.


About CapacityHD

CapacityHD (Capacity Building on Primary Use of Health Data - HADEA/2022/OP/0006) is a service contract managed by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) and implemented by consortium comprising empirica Technology Research (lead Contractor), the European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD), Predictby, European Services Network (ESN), and IHE Catalyst. 

The overarching goal of the study is to facilitate the development and strengthening of skills and abilities of staff working on national digital health services in key areas relating to the primary use of health data. In this context, the study team is organising twinning activities including an expert visits programme and also masterclasses on several topics of common interest.


Want to know more about how IHE-Europe Connectathon can help your eHealth programme or project?

Please contact IHE-Catalyst by email