IHE-Europe Experience Days 2024

IHE Experience Days 2024 

We recently concluded the IHE-Europe Experience Days. Thank you to all attendees, speakers, and organisers for your invaluable contributions, making this event a success!

Themed “Health data spaces: Leveraging IHE from use cases to real-life implementation,” the Experience Days brought together healthcare professionals, industry leaders, and government representatives for an enriching exploration of the health IT ecosystem.

We look forward to Experience Days 2025, taking place in Vienna, Austria. Stay tuned!


Missed a session? Check out the presentations in the speakers row below:



Experience Day 1: 3 June 2024
Time Topic Speaker
10:00 Welcome Coffee  
10:30 Ice Breaker: get to know each other The Experience Days team




HIMSS EMRAM (Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model)

13:00 Lunch  
Welcome Speech
Jan HulekIHE-Europe User Co-Chair and Janos VinczeIHE-Europe Vendor Co-Chair
14:10 Keynote Speech: Italy Serena Battilomo, Second Level Director of the former Directorate-General for Digitalisation, Health Information System and Statistics, Italian Ministry of Health


National Implementation on Imaging


  • The Netherlands
  • France
  • Austria
15:40 Coffee Break  


Multi-country Working group on Imaging
  • Panel introduction: MCWG 4 recommendations (Multi Country Working Group on Imaging)
  • Panel of speakers from the MCWG: Engaging with the audience


Charles Parisot, IHE MCWG Coordinator










Project Gemini











IHE / HL7 collaboration

Gemini projects



How IHE and HL7 collaboration is moving forward at International and European level:
  • Jürgen Brandstätter, IHE-Europe deputy co-chair, IHE representative in the Gemini (IHE/HL7) Steering Committee
  • Dr Kai Heitmann, CEO HL7 Germany,  Expert HL7 Europe
  • Sofia Franconi, IHE-Europe interoperability solution architect
Representing three successful Gemini projects: 
  • Medication Prescription and Delivery, Jose Costa Teixeira
  • Computable Care Guidelines, Derek Ritz
  • FHIR Multi-Domain, Jürgen Brandstätter

End of the day


19:00 City Tour  Meeting point: Via Gioacchino Rossini 2, Trieste
The city tour ends next to the dinner venue
20:00 Networking Dinner 040 Social Food, Via Gioacchino Rossini 8 


Experience Day 2: 4 June 2024
Time Topic Speaker
8:30 Welcome Coffee  
9:00 Keynote Speech: European Commission Konstantin Hyppönen, programme officer in the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) at the European Commission


EHDS, shaping Europe digital future


  • Cross-border and EHDS
  • Guidelines eHN, Xt-EHR: vision for the next 2 years
  • XpanDH and xShare
10:40 Coffee Break  
Discussion on EHDS


Discussion around cross border sharing of data and patient access to this data within the EHDS

Panel of speakers from the block above


New regulations


  • European AI Act
  • European Interoperability Act
  • Health AI Implementation and Regulation in the US
13:00 Lunch break  
14:00 Keynote: Testing Continuum (Plugathon, Projectathon, Connectathon) Lapo Bertini, Director of interoperability Product Strategy at Dedalus Italy


Data in action


  • Demonstrating the testing continuum in practice


Moderator: Claudio Saccavini, IHE Catalyst Managing Director

15:20 VIP TOUR  


Data in action




Moderator: Marc Kämmerer, Head of Innovation Management at Visus




  • The role of IHE SHARAZONE and updates 
Bruno Laffin, V&V Connectivity Team Lead, AGFA HealthCare


20 years anniversary IHE XDS

    Panel on user experiences 


Alexander Schanner, Medical IT services manager at Lower Austrian State Hospital Holding


Closing speech

Jan Hulek, IHE-Europe User Co-Chair and Janos Vincze, IHE-Europe Vendor Co-Chair


The IHE-Europe Experience Days are sponsored by:




We are excited to invite you to join us for an informative and engaging experience. Registrations will be opened until the event.

Find the fees below:

Registration category Early bird fee
(40% discount)
Regular fee Included in the fee


2 Days Ticket


235 €

until 30 April 2024


390 €

  • Access to the IHE-Europe Experience Days for two days, including lunch and coffee breaks. 
  • The VIP tour, networking dinner and city tour will be offered as hospitality experiences. 

If you are part of one of the following categories, reach out to experiencedays@ihe-europe.net to know more about your discount:

  • IHE-Europe Steering Committee members
  • Part of a vendor that has registered for testing on the Connectathon floor
  • Participant of another IHE-Europe event during the Connectathon Week
  • Part of a delegation
  • Part of a public hospital or a university



Need assistance or have questions about the IHE-Europe Experience Days 2024?

Get in touch with our team