Programme: Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Welcome to the Experience Sessions by the IHE-Europe Co-Chairs
- Andreas Klingler, IHE-Europe Vendor Co-Chair
- Stéphane Spahni, IHE-Europe User Co-Chair
Overview of medical image sharing among European countries
- Karima Bourquard, IHE-Europe
Session for National Initiatives
Get to know each other, exchange experience, share tips and tricks
- Karlien Erauw, IHE Belgium Vendor Co-Chair
VIP Tour
VIP Tour
Learn how the IHE Connectathon supports health IT vendors and healthcare providers to achieve interoperability. Hear from the IHE expert and the vendors themselves and ask them everything you want to know!
- Claudio Saccavini
LUNCH break
Experience Sharing sessions
Introducing IHE SHARAZONE. A new testing service complementing Connectathons
- Charles Parisot, IHE Services
- Thorsten Conrad, VISUS
- Piet Hein Zwaal, MedicalPHIT
Global Consortium for eHealth Interoperability

Current and Future steps of the smart vaccination initiatives – Part 1
Session chaired by Global Consortium for eHealth Interoperability (GCeHI)
13:30-14:00 GCeHI overview and Overview of the three primary Vaccination Certificate Initiatives
- Jürgen Brandstätter, IHE International
14:00-14:40 Implementation Best Practices
- Moderator: Didi Davis, VP, Informatics, Conformance & Interoperability, The Sequoia Project®
- Edward Harte, HSE Ireland
- Eamon Coyne, HSE Ireland
- Panos Louridas, GRNET – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (Greece)
- Fidelia Cascini, Catholic University of Rome
- Ron Roozendaal, Dutch GDHP representative
14:40-15:00 Q&A Session
Europe Vision 1: Updates from UNICOM and COCIR
UNICOM: IDMP in Europe. What does it mean for you? (15:00-15:30)
- Robert Stegwee, CEN/TC 251 Health Informatics and UNICOM
COCIR - Vision of the future of healthcare (15:30-16:00)
- Danny Van Roijen, Digital Health Director, COCIR
VIP Tour
VIP Tour
This tour will focus on global vaccine inititatives; how does IHE support health IT suppliers to achieve interoperability in COVID-19 related data exchange?
- Charles Parisot, IHE Services
Current and Future steps of the smart vaccination initiatives – Part 2: What's next?
Hosted by IHE Catalyst
- In this session you will hear about initiatives undertaken from various countries around the globe and how IHE and HL7 contribute to supporting these initatives.
17:00-17:40 IHE Global initiatives on SVC
- John Moehrke, IHE International
- Alexander Berler, IHE Services
- Dylan Bradford, Kereval
17:40-18:30 Focus on the Global health community needs
- Natschja Ratanaprayuin, WHO
- Garrett Livingston Mehl, WHO
- Jennifer Antilla, OpenMRS
- Neelima Karipineni, MITRE
- Rob Hausam, Hausam Consulting, HL7 IPS Project Co-lead
- Giorgio Cangioli, HL7 Europe, HL7 IPS Project Co-lead
- Rajeesh Menon, Digital Infrastructure for Vaccination Open Credentialing (DIVOC) lead
- Moderator: Amit Trivedi, IHE USA
Q&A Interactive Session
- Claudio Saccavini, IHE Catalyst