Experience Sessions Thursday, 17 June

Watch out for the recordings of the successful premiere of IHE-Europe Experience!


Programme: Thursday, 17 June 2021 

10:00 - 12:00

The role of projectathons in National and Regional Digital Health Strategies - Benefits of a Projectathon
Presentations from various countries

  • Eamon Coyne and Edward Harte, HSE Ireland
  • Thierry Dart, ANS France
  • Athanassios Kelepouris, MoH Greece
  • Martin Smock, eHealth Suisse
  • Emmanuel Assoumou Nka, Beranger Nsa Oyono, Donatien Tsokati, Ange Nziengui Badinga Mouanda, Dorian Mouket, Ministry of Health Team, Gabon

VIP Tour

11:30 - 12:00

VIP Tour

Learn how the IHE Connectathon supports health IT vendors and healthcare providers to achieve interoperability. Hear from the IHE expert and the vendors themselves and ask them everything you want to know!  

  • Claudio Saccavini, IHE Catalyst
12:00 - 13:00


Experience Sharing Sessions

13:00 - 14:00

Implementation Best Practices from Greece and The Netherlands

The Greek eHealth Interoperability Framework: Current activities and implementation roadmap (13:00-13:30)

  • Alexander Berler, IHE-Services
  • Dr. Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Secretary General of Health Services Greece


IHE Netherlands: Guide for Multidisciplinary Oncology Consultation (13:30-14:00)

  • Evert Sanders, Radiologist Amphia Hospital Breda, IHE Netherlands User Co-Chair
14:00 - 15:00

 IHE Catalyst: Its value for users, governments and vendors

  • Claudio Saccavini, IHE Catalyst
  • Lapo Bertini, IHE Catalyst
  • Register here

Europe Vision 3: Updates from the European Commission and the Federation of International Pharmacy (FIP)

15:00 - 15:30

MyHealth@EU: Patients health data cross border exchange – status and future of the services provided to all EU citizens by the Member States and the Commission

  • Natalia Zylinksa-Puta, European Commission
15:30 - 16:00

Federation of International Pharmacy (FIP): Technology and end-users: Bridging the gap

  • Jacqueline Surugue, FIP
16:00 - 16:30

All you want to know on the IHE Testing Continuum

  • Lapo Bertini, IHE-Services
  • Alexander Berler, IHE-Services

VIP Tour

16:30 - 17:00

VIP Tour

Learn how the IHE Connectathon supports health IT vendors and healthcare providers to achieve interoperability. Hear from the IHE expert and the vendors themselves and ask them everything you want to know!  

  • Charles Parisot, IHE Services

Social Event

17:00 - 18:30

Celebration of 20 years IHE-Europe – festivities

We welcome you to this joyful and interactive session. Will you join us? We are preparing some nice surprises.

Want to know more about how IHE-Europe Connectathon can help your eHealth programme or project?

Please contact IHE-Catalyst by email