Vienna 2014

Vienna 2014


About IHE-Europe

The mission of IHE-Europe is to improve patient care by advancing the interoperability of healthcare IT systems and the appropriate sharing of relevant information.

About IHE-Europe

IHE Connectathon ONLINE, November 2-6, 2020

The 20th IHE-Europe Connectathon was held ONLINE for the first time, 2-6 November 2020.

IHE-Europe Connectathon took place online

IHE-Europe Connectathon 2020 Impression

The 2020 IHE-Europe Connectathon took place in early November ONLINE, given the inevitable COVID-19 difficulties the world faced.

IHE-Belgium, together with principal sponsors, IHE-Europe/IHE-Services organisations produced an outstanding Connectathon Week with online events that complemented the Online Connectathon, the world’s first such event!

Re-watch the IHE-Europe webinars on "IHE Validation tools for connectivity testing" and "IHE profiles for HL7 FHIR" here


More about IHE-Europe

Health IT users, national programs and vendor associations initiated IHE-Europe and today fund its activities.

About IHE-Europe


Connectathon Key Benefits

A unique opportunity to test interoperability using real world clinical scenarios.

  • Subject your products to interoperability competency testing, and be recognised as a successful participant.
  • Improve the conformance of your products to IHE Profiles.
  • Ensure your products continue to meet the expanding base of IHE Profiles, solving real-world interoperability problems.
  • Join industry leaders during VIP tours of the Connectathon floor.

Want to know more about how IHE-Europe Connectathon can help your eHealth programme or project?

Please contact IHE-Catalyst by email